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Your journey as a student at UoB Manchester is a mix of both academic and professional development.

Academic knowledge, without professional skills and a professional attitude is of little use; therefore, you must pay close attention to developing the latter, as much as you must focus on completing your academic studies. If you work hard at developing your professional skills and attitudes, you will find that your academic studies are easier to manage and, additionally, you will be ready to take on the graduate employment market on the completion of your degree.

Employers consistently tell us that they need graduates with the right attitude and interpersonal skills, which they often prioritise above knowledge of the job. They tell us that they are prepared to “hire for attitude, and train for skill.”

Having consulted dozens of employers across all sectors, we have modelled their desired Graduate Ethos and distilled them into the four key themes shown here. To help you understand each of these themes and what they mean for you as an individual, we have broken them down into some key thoughts, feelings, and actions.

If you make note of these, and measure yourself against them in everything you do, you will enjoy success, both here at the university and in your professional life. These Graduate Ethos constitute our ethos here at UoB Manchester and our staff will use them to guide you and advise you throughout your time with us.

The only person who can dictate your future success is you, and developing these Graduate Ethos so that they become a part of who you are is the key to ensuring that success.

You can read the full guide here.

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